How to Go Gluten Free – New to Gluten Free eBook
How to Go Gluten Free – New to Gluten Free eBook
Going gluten free is a major life change that in the beginning can seem overwhelming. Jules Shepard’s best-selling book, The First Year: Celiac Disease and Living Gluten Free, has helped thousands make the transition smoothly. Now she’s updated the content and distilled it into this easy to digest New to Gluten Free ebook that’s available for immediate download and review.
Thirty-nine pages all about gluten, how to identify gluten and read labels, cleaning out your kitchen, what appliances to replace, baking gluten free, dining out safely, and easy meal ideas make getting started gluten free something anyone could do. Jules also supplies a 3 day menu plan and recipes for quick dishes with easy to find ingredients to get you over the hurdle of the first few days and show you how easy it can be to eat healthily and gluten free.
Everything you need is in this recipe for success New to Gluten Free ebook.
How to Go Gluten Free – get an expert opinion
How to go gluten free is a question asked by a wide range of people. There are those, like Jules Shepard, who walked out of a doctor’s office with a celiac disease diagnosis. Others gave up wheat and gluten and felt better, and then formalized their new lifestyle with a search for reliable information on the subject. Others want to learn about living gluten free because a friend, family member or co-worker is going gluten free, and they want to lend an informed, encouraging word. Whatever brought you here, you’ve landed in a good place for reliable, first-hand information about how to go gluten free–information trusted by thousands and thousands of people the world over.
Going Gluten Free – first things first
How to go gluten free is easier with someone in your corner. In this invaluable e-Book, celiac and gluten-free expert and author Jules Shepard will take you through everything you need to know to understand how to go gluten free successfully. She begins with a frank discussion about going gluten free. She’ll teach you to identify gluten, and tell you why you shouldn’t give it up if you’ve yet to be tested for celiac disease or gluten intolerance. And she’ll have you COMMIT to it, if you’re going to give up gluten the right way.
How to Avoid Gluten – read labels, inspect your home
Going gluten free will forever change how you shop for groceries. Jules will help you become the expert food label reader you need to be to stay safe and not get contaminated. Jules is so passionate about food labeling that she built an 11-foot-tall gluten free cake in downtown Washington, DC, and got the FDA and the rest of the gluten-free community to attend to prove how important it is to people who can’t eat gluten. She’ll lend that fervor to your gluten free journey, too. When you’re done with the ins and outs of food label reading, she’ll have you turn your now-keen eye inward. Your home harbors untold sources of gluten that Jules will help you identify, with suggestions for safeguarding against accidental contact. Prepare to inspect your cupboards, your pantry, refrigerator and freezer, medicine cabinet…everything! It’s your health we’re talking about, right?
How to Bake Gluten Free – it’s easier than you think
Of course a gluten free baker is going to tell you how to do more, or how to start, baking at home. But Jules wasn’t born a gluten free baker. So you don’t have to have been born one either—Jules will show you. And you’ll soon realize that baking (and making…’cooking’ also counts!) gluten free at home is THE best way to provide safe, healthy food for your family. It’s also WAY more economical than going to the store and buying pre-made, pre-packaged gluten free foods.
Again, Jules will walk you through the basics of how to go gluten free in the kitchen. She’ll remind you that most foods are gluten free. So she’ll build your confidence in the important early days. She’ll give you simple ideas, and remind you to include your favorite, already-gluten-free foods on that early list. Then she’ll start imparting other tips on how to go gluten free behind a mixer, or in front of your oven. Jules is tireless in her positive, encouraging approach to living gluten free. And with something as important and prevalent in our culture as food, she’s relentless in reminding you that you can control every aspect of it when you start making more of your food, with your family, at home.
Gluten Free – on the go, at home & more
How to eat gluten free in the many instances when we’re not just at home with our families are crucial to going gluten free safely. Jules devotes several pages to giving you guidance on how to eat out safely, how to host people for meals in your home, and how to be safe when you’re a guest in someone else’s home. She’ll tell you how to have conversations about your new gluten free lifestyle. She’ll offer food suggestions. And she’ll teach you how to prevent the cross-contact during meals with dishes and food from multiple origins.
Jules’ 3-Day Meal Plan for going gluten free
The last section of Jules’s e-Book is filled with three days worth of recipes–13 in all–that will ease you into your first week of gluten free living. These aren’t complicated, fancy recipes. These are the ones that will convince you, and/or your other family members, that eating gluten free doesn’t need to be difficult. Deciding to go gluten free might not have been your idea. Or it may, in fact, have been your choice. Either way, you’ll need the right information, from the right person—right now.
How to Go Gluten Free? With Jules!
Jules Shepard has been in exactly the same position you’re in right now. And she wrote this compassionate, understanding, encouraging e-Book on how to go gluten free just for you. And it’s the tip of the gfJules iceberg. Jules’ web site has more than 500 proven recipes, other books and e-Books, and the award-winning all-purpose gluten free flour and mixes that will make your gluten free journey a healthy, delicious success. Onward!
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